A steak-lover’s to go. Well balanced between meat and marble
Distinguished by the abundant marbling and juicy tenderness, the US Prime Beef Ribeye is a top-quality steak that is exceptional in taste and texture. Carved from healthy corn-fed cattle, the good amount of marbling melts and saturates the meat with the most sublime flavours when cooked. Synonymous with good quality, American beef is well known for being succulent and mild in flavour. Best grilled or roasted, our excellent selection of high-grade US Prime Beef Ribeye will delight every steak connoisseur.
Less than 2% of all beef produced in the United States will earn the top prime designation.
The word "prime" is a quality grade assigned by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to describe the highest quality beef. The "prime" grade will be given to meat that comes from the youngest beef with the most abundant marbling.
300g = approx 3/4 inch thick
400g = approx 1 inch thick
600g = approx 1.5 inches thick
800g = approx 2 inches thick